
Empty Railcar Move

If you're looking to move your railcars a short distance and find the cost of an empty move too high, give us a call. Need to return railcars? Contact us—we can help lower your return costs while ensuring the cars are ready for future use.

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Pattison's innovative Empty Onsite Storage Solution (EOSS®)

Reduce demurrage and storage fees as well as loading and unloading down time with Pattison's Innovative Railcar Solution.

Why our solution
is different?

Cars could be moved quicker and cheaper over the road than with the Railroads.

Store cars on-site to reduce return costs and possibly have cars available when you need them.

Pattison can provide inspection and repair services when cars are stored.

Empty cars move from the main line to storage tracks in minutes.
Empty cars moved from most crossings to storage in minutes Cars can be moved and stored from an to places that most will not think possible.
Empty cars can be transfered over the road to a different location quicker and at a lower cost than railroad companies can provide.
Given the right circumstances, empty cars can be transported over the road faster and at lower cost than rail carriers.


Our innovative, cost efficient Railcar Storage solutions improve storage logistics, cycle times, and reduce fees.

Email or call Railcar Solutions, Pattison Company

Contact the Pattison Railcar Solutions Team. Fill out the form below.
pattison Sand worker in hardhat standing in front of railcar looking at tablet
Railcar Solutions

35 years in full-service railcar repair

Railcar Repair