Stabilize slopes, protect shorelines, and control erosion around bridges and culverts.
Product Info ↓REVETMENT STONE Also called RIPRAP, is larger stone used to stabilize slopes, protect shorelines, and control erosion around bridges and culverts. Because of performance requirements, the best REVETMENT STONE is produced from High Quality Ordovician Dolomitic Limestone. Pattison produces some of the highest grade products with our new, state-of-the-art trommel technology. This system yields a superior, rounded, perfectly sized stone that interlocks for maximum stabilization.
Pattison’s Ordovician Dolomitic Limestone is some of the oldest and hardest material in Iowa.
Due to it’s hardness and other ‘Old Stone’ properties, our products out perform material produced from outside of the Ordovician Limestone region which is found only in the northeast corner of Iowa.
Ordovician Dolomitic Limestone is some of the highest quality, hardest and most durable anywhere in Iowa. Ordovocian formations are only found in the northeast portion of Iowa. Pattison’s Clayton, IA quarry site is right in the middle of it.
Pattison Aggregates sourced locally, delivered direct.
We are one of the only sources of Aggregates and Proppants that can load directly to CP Railroads, Truck or Barge from the same facility.
Email or call Aggregate Sales.