
Mobile & On-site Railcar Repair

We are an approved AAR certified expedite shop our # is C167. ABT’s, wheel change, and repairs per FRA-AAR rules regulations and owners request per Rule 88 up to 85 hours excluding blast and paint. We also offer non hazardous high pressure car wash inside and out if wanted.

Contact Us

Rail lines we service:

bnsf railway

Mobile repair services

Our railcar mobile repair services ensure prompt and efficient repairs to your railcars. Keeping your operation running by minimizing downtime and avoiding freight fees.

Photo of railcar storage located a distance from rail lines Photo of railcar storage located a distance from rail lines

Our services

With a commitment to excellence and a team of skilled professionals, we offer cost-effective railcar repair services to ensure the reliability and longevity of your fleet.

Railcar inspections

All cars, except tank cars, need inspection for ownership or responsibility transfer, be it specific or general purposes.

Repair & Maintenance

Repairs adhere to FRA – AAR Standards and are restricted to 85 hours per Rule 88. Replace Brake Shoe, Drawbar Components, Handhold or Walkway, Replace Doors & Hatches.

Wheel intelligence & replacement

We aim to reduce your expenses by replacing your wheels at our facility with lower costs.

Air brake testing

Our system features automatic ABT and can be upgraded to four-port valves.

Re-stencil programs

Updating or replacing car marks and tags on your rail cars.

Fillet Weld

Certified welders on staff reinforce or repair structural parts, ensuring safety and durability.

Non-hazardous railcar cleaning services

Pattison Sand railcar transport system made easier
Rotating high pressure water cleans most products and rust out of the car.
Photo of railcar rust that was powerwashed off to clear contaminants
Powerwashing rust clears contaminants ensuring a clean car.


Our team has the experience to handle routine maintence and complex overhauls to keep your fleet running.

Email or call Railcar Repair, Pattison Company

Contact the Pattison Railcar Repair Team. Fill out the form below.
Pattison Sand loading railcar onto trailer
Railcar Solutions

Innovative railcar storage solutions

Railcar Storage