Produced from a very high quality Ordovician St. Peter Sandstone.
Product Info ↓40/70 SILICA PROPPANT is produced from a very high quality Ordovician St. Peter Sandstone layer in our Clayton, IA quarry. Our line of silica proppants is made of a high-purity quartz sand which is highly spherical and crush resistant. Our 40/70 SILICA PROPPANT is produced for the oil & gas industry but has other industrial uses as well. Pattison 40/70 SILICA PROPPANT has been used in safe and proven hydraulic stimulation processes for over 70 years on an excess of 2 million oil and natural gas wells. US shale plays hold vast amounts of oil and natural gas, and our proppants support hydrocarbon extraction by keeping fissures open for longer.
Pattison produces a 40/70 SILICA PROPPANT which is a highly spherical, quartzite sand meeting the most stringent quality specifications. Also known as Northern White, frac sand, hydro fracturing sand, geo-thermal sand, and coarse sand, Pattison’s 40/70 proppant is produced from the St. Peters Formation. Proppants produced from this formation have superior physical properties than other Northern White proppants.
Due to the performance requirements that typical hydrofracturing applications demand, a very high quality 40/70 SILICA PROPPANT is required. Stringent testing and quality assurance procedures ensure Pattison proppants meet the highest performance specifications, and are certified by ISO & API.
Pattison 40/70 SILICA PROPPANT is produced in our state of the art wet processing plant. Completed in 2007 in Clayton, Iowa our plant features sophisticated disagglomerating, washing, separating, classifying, and drying equipment that yields some of the highest and most consistent 40/70 SILICA PROPPANT available anywhere in the United States.
When it comes to 40/70 SILICA PROPPANT, age matters. This means Pattison’s Ordovician St. Peter Sandstone is some of the oldest and hardest material available. Due to its hardness and other ‘Old Stone’ properties, our 40/70 SILICA PROPPANT outperforms material produced from outside of the St. Peter Sandstone formation.
Continuously adapting our sand operations & logistics to meet our customers needs.
All Proppants →Pattison Proppants sources locally, delivered direct.
We are one of the only sources of Aggregates and Proppants that can load directly to Rail, Truck or Barge from the same facility.
Email or call Proppant Sales.